PROLEUM is ready to accommodate our clients. We are ready to give you commodities on credit.

In this case, we jointly define the terms of payment for the commodity, the price of which includes the cost of the commodity at the station of departure and the costs associated with the organization of transport to the destination station as well as all statutory taxes and fees.

What do you need for a successful review of your request?

It’s very likely that customers can expect to receive credit in the following cases:

  • Client's company has been carrying out its actual activity for more than 24 months;
  • Client's company has profile assets (EG: a petrol station);
  • Client's company has had a positive credit history for the last 6 months;
  • Client's company doesn’t have any outstanding disputes with PROLEUM LLC.

List of necessary documents:

  • Company profile.
  • Document confirming the appointment and powers of the CEO.
  • Copy of CEO passport/specimen signature card.
  • Company statute and registered changes in it.
  • Certificate of company registration with tax authorities.
  • State registration certificate.
  • Bank turnover report for the last 12 months (monthly).
  • Information on the presence or absence of loan debt.
  • Balance sheet, profit and loss statements for all group members.
  • Copy of certificate of immovable property ownership from the Department of Registration of Real Property Rights and Transactions
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of real estate.
  • Extract from shareholder list.

Submit an application

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ООО «Петролеум Трейдинг» объявляет о смене названия и ребрендинге.
ПРОЛЕУМ - новое имя нашей компании. Мы обновили стратегию, которая логично предполагает трансформацию бренда.
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